Spiritual Response Therapy

What is Spiritual Response Therapy?

Founded by the late Rev. Robert E. Detzler (1926-2013), Spiritual Response Therapy (SRT) is spiritual healing modality that works on a soul level to release deep trauma, blocks and negative programming.

Using a system of charts and a pendulum connecting to your high self, and we work with the subconscious mind to clear and remove discordant energies, negativity and energetic blocks that are keeping you from moving forward in your present life. We clear and remove whatever is standing in your way - whether it be from your present life, your past lives or even future lives - so that you can move forward with clarity and empowerment.

With Spiritual Response Therapy, we can identify what is running in the background - the subconscious - and clear and remove it. Think of it as removing the subconscious clutter that you no longer need, allowing you to take with you the lessons and the positive experiences and move forward with more ease, joy and flow.

How can SRT help?

SRT is an incredible healing tool that can help with those who are:

  • Feeling lost and blocked to their connection with spirit, their intuitive gifts and abilities, and their purpose in life

  • Experiencing blocks to success, whether it be in relationships, business, education, parenting, or work

  • Suffering from health concerns such as allergies, phobias, depression, anxiety, PTSD, addictions, or illnesses

  • Experiencing sleep issues such as night terrors, insomnia, or sleep anxiety

  • Moving through transition and change in their life, including marriage, divorce, career changes, relocation, or travel

  • Blocked to abundance, career, and creativity

This modality has changed my life and improved it in so many ways, which is why I am dedicated to sharing this powerful tool with others.

Types of Spiritual Response Therapy Clearings

Before we start an SRT session, we always set an intention. This intention can be general or very specific. For a general clearing, we typically will set the intention to clear what needs to be cleared and do what needs to be done so that the client can move through life with joy, abundance and ease.

Alternatively, we can set a specific intention. For example, a client may be moving through an intense period of transition within their family, so our intention could be clearing anything that has been activated during this transition, clearing any blocks to peaceful relations with certain family members, clearing any resistance to change and transition, etc.

Based on client demand and personal interest, I do offer a handful of specialized clearings. Information on these clearings are provided below.

  • Do you have a vision for your life? The truth is, most people don't. In fact, most people spend more time planning a vacation than they do planning their life. If you have a vision, and have set the intention for what you would love in all areas of your life - not just career or vocation but relationships, health and wellness and your time and money freedom - you are ahead of the majority of the population!

    So, you have the vision... now what?

    We know that there are several ways that both our conscious and subconscious mind might sabotage us from taking the first step toward the vision.

    In this clearing, we check for subconscious blocks, programs, discordant energies and limiting beliefs that you have:

    • toward creating a vision or dreaming up a life you love;

    • that are preventing you from dreaming big; and

    • that are causing delay, fear or distraction from taking action toward your vision

    and we clear them - shifting those paradigms, releasing those limiting beliefs - and inviting in new, positive ways of thinking, new affirmations, raising your vibration and taking inspired steps toward your vision.

    We also check to see if your vision is aligned with your soul, and research what areas of your vision may need to be enhanced. All this so you can move forward, take action toward your vision and manifest a life you truly love!

  • Our pets experience many lives, just like us. They can have tough times that leave energy blocks and negative patterns in their soul records. These issues might show up as problems with their body or feelings.

    SRT works energetically with your pet's inner wisdom to allow their body to heal naturally, on all levels - physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. During this session, I will work with your pet's guides and Spirit to clear blocks, programs, patterns, beliefs, and issues from their akashic records. When we clear these out, your pet can let go of the past. From this place of neutrality, your pet can begin healing.

  • Open up your family tree on both the maternal and paternal side for up to 8 generations of ascendants and 7 generations of descendants. In this session, we will find and clear the blocks, conditionings, cords, agreements and everything your soul has stored in the name of family loyalty to its ancestors and lineage.

    A note about Spiritual Response Therapy and Family Tree work:

    • SRT system allows to clear programs that the Soul has stored in the Akashic records as a result of the Soul journey. We clear programs created by life experiences in this current life as well in past lives, other dimension, etc. It's a spiritual healing. ​

    • Family Tree work is not about clearing programs, it's about clearing Invisible Loyalties that we hold with our Ancestors. It's a very grounded method to work with our Family linage on Earth. The beauty in this work is that we can open, clear and harmonize the Family Tree without knowing all the data history or information require on some other modalities.

    • When we open the family tree to clear Loyalties with our Ancestors, the most important aspect is to know exactly what the reason is and why we want to do it. ​ The intention must be very clear, precise and elaborate. The more precise ware the better the results will be. ​ This not only increases the chances of clearing any ancestral conflict but we also want to ensure that we approach the entire process from a space of respect for our Ancestors.

    At the point of booking you will be asked the following questions related to your intention:

    1. What is my intention, challenge or situation that I would like to resolve or manifest?

    2. How much do I really need this situation to be solved?

    3. Is this situation related to other aspects of my life? On the contrary, is it isolated?

    4. How long have I had this challenge in my life?

    5. Do I feel that roots may come from some of my Ancestors or family members, living or dead? If so, do they belong to the maternal or paternal side?

    6. Have I done other spiritual work related to this issue/concern?

    In order to partake in a Family Tree SRT session, you must have had at least one full SRT session from a SRT practitioner.

    Family Tree Spiritual Response Therapy Sessions will start with a Spiritual Response Therapy clearing to clear the programs the soul has stored in the Akashic Records related to the challenge or situation. Once that is complete, we will ask permission to open up the family tree and clear any hidden loyalties through the ancestral line.

  • Our places and spaces carry an energetic footprint and a memory of the experiences and events that occurred. An example of this is how you can feel the heaviness in the air after a disagreement or a fight.

    With SRT, we can energetically clear your home/work space, all of its contents and land from dark energies, negative energies from past occupants and spirits. Once cleared, your home or space will feel free, clear and a welcoming place to live.

  • Once you learn to work with the energy of the moon, everything changes. New moons are the perfect time to plant the seeds for your manifestations and set new intentions for your life. During a full moon, it is a potent time to release what is no longer serving you.

    In a moon clearing, we will set the intention to clear anything that is holding you back or preventing you from working with the energy of the new moon/full moon.

    Full moon or new moon clearings can be powerful in a group setting as well.

  • Planning a retreat or a gathering? SRT can be a powerful and unique addition. There is power in gathering women and their collective experiences. With a group clearing, we draw upon the energy of the group. Gathering together in circle and ceremony is a powerful reminder that we are not alone and we have shared experiences and journeys. These shared experiences can be brought to the surface and cleared collectively, with the support and energy of others.